Archangel I & II Read online


  Boris Townsend

  © 2012 by Boris Townsend.

  All rights reserved.

  Scripture quotations are from “The Living

  Bible” Copyright © 1971 by Tyndale House

  Publishers, Wheaton, Illinois 60187

  Mr. Boris Townsend book Archangel II & I are e-books that paints a picture about the war between God and Satan. His book reveals the conflict within the natural and spiritual realm.

  This book introduces powerful demon lords that war against the angels of light. He unveils the war between these two Lords that has been waged 6000 years of human history. Within this novel, it reveals the importance of prayer for without meditation angels cannot defeat the Lords of Darkness.

  In this novel, the wars are fiercer because, in other novels the conflicts take place at the end of the book. Mr. Townsend allows the reader to see that whatever takes place in this world could possibly be happening because of the war in the spirit realm.

  The book is filled with suspense it is a nail bitter readers are focus on the battles. Once they start reading, this book very few will put the book down.

  He reveals the conflict between good and evil continues. The author displays the truth about the two kingdoms at odds. The Lord of Light and his armies constantly battle the Lord of Darkness for the souls of humanity.

  He also points out the power struggle between these two juggernauts has caused a change in our society. When conflicts take place in the natural, readers remember the true battle begins within the spirit realm.

  Deep within the city of Cornersville there awaited an evil, so sinister until its presence cloaked the entire town. Although unseen by the natural eyes, gatherings of dark forces were operational just beneath the courthouse of this small town. Principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in high places yet they continued to gather for their master Satan had summoned them.

  The spiritual wickedness in high places considered themselves the most impressive. Nevertheless, only Talon stood out among these dark angels, for his chest was adorned with metals that assured his comrades of countless victories. However, nothing could be compared with the evil that began to fill the room, for darkness completely covered the area, with the arrival of Lord Satan defender of evil.

  With his unfavorable eyes that resembled a lion stalking its prey, Lord Lucifer roared attention, and the assembly became quite. As you are Lord, it is ones pleasure to have every ones undivided attention. For thousands of years we have battled the Lord for possession of paradise and the universe. It is time to take our places as rulers of heaven and earth. With fear and rage Talon stood up, “Satan you know the scripture Luke 10:17, 19. God has given the saints authority over all the power of the enemy, and to walk among serpents and scorpions and crush them. With a hideous laugh, Lucifer walked toward Talon, with his huge wings, covering his body pointed one finger toward Talon, but without prayer, these Christians shall fall.

  Without greater delay Venom stood up with fear in his eyes, and said” Lucifer what of God’s champion Michael?” The Archangel you’re equal in battle. For you're Lord has discovered the secret of Michael’s power, only when the saints pray will God give my adversary enough strength to defeat my legion of armies. We will attack the mines of every Christian, and remind them of there past, for when their thoughts are evil, meditation prayer will cease. Talon will be assigned to this city, with great anticipation this monster of a demon stood roaring furiously holding his huge sword in his hand with confidence this city belongs to Lord Satan.

  The entire assembly erupted into a viscous roar we will not fail. Lucifer arose from his throne and held his hand up and the room became silent. The church on Canvas Drive has prevailed tremendously in Cornersville but Lord Satan suggests a plan of division that will split the church for years to come.

  For, I can see that God has a plan concerning this church. The ministry has grown hardly but the saints at that church pray daily. Therefore, my forces have failed to destroy this town. Talon work with the Pastor: Benjamin Starks, cause a division between he and his wife for it is Mary that has called the church to prayer. Divide this church and by the time, they realize how far their hearts are from God I will come in like a flood.

  One Friday about 10:00 am, God had impressed upon Pastor Starks heart the vitality witnessing has upon the church. God had begun to speak concerning the war ahead. Peacefully the Holy Spirit began to minister to Ben concerning the harvest of souls. The words continued to replay in Ben’s mind the harvest is plentiful but the labors are few. Ben meditated on the vision for about ten minutes, the Holy Spirit urged him to look toward the corner of the room.

  Benjamin pondered about the vision; he asked the Holy Spirit the meaning of this insight. Peacefully the Holy Spirit began to minister to Ben concerning the harvest of souls. Ben meditated on the vision for about ten minutes; the Holy Spirit urged him to look toward the corner of the room, standing tall and powerful was Michael the Archangel. Greetings, Benjamin blessed of God and chosen to complete a prophetic mission.

  What mission?, Ben began laughing; for God knows the church of God has grown sparely. Michael walked cautiously toward Ben, pondering in thought about Ben’s faith restriction. Benjamin remember the scripture, Mark 11:22-24” If you only have the faith in God this is the absolute truth you can say to this mountain, rise up and fall into the Mediterranean, and your command will be complied. The scripture some how began reviving Ben’s faith and his heart. With a deep conviction, Ben began examining his heart. Why did God send you? Satan understands the prophetic scripture better than most Christians do.

  God has a plan for Cornersville and the church of God has a major roll in this last day revival. Satan has assigned a powerful demonic force to the city of Cornersville. Ben was surprised because he thought of this small town as a utopia a place of peace. Do not be fearful Ben remember the Book of Daniel 10:12 Daniel for your request has been heard in heaven and was answered the very first day you began to fast before the Lord and pray for understanding; that very day I was sent here to meet you. However, for twenty-one days the mighty Evil Spirit who overrules the kingdom of Persia blocked my way. Then Michael the chief officer of the heavenly army came to help me so than I was able to break through these spirit rulers of Persia. This war will be far different from any other battle fought. It will be a war fought to the end of time. Ben had one more question but before he could inquire, Michael vanished from the natural sight.

  “Mary… Mary!” “What is it Ben?” I had a visitation from God’s chief angelic commander. Ben are you speaking about Michael the Archangel. Yes Mary, God has directed me to have a church meeting concerning a restoration in Cornersville. Mary the prayer meetings that you conduct have held the forces of darkness back. Nevertheless, the war will intensify as we near the end time. Satan has rearranged his forces bringing all of the top brass to participate in this war. In order to win the church must act as a unit. Mary please call all the mothers and I will talk with the church deacons.

  Jeremiah set quietly upon the Timberland Mountains observing the city. I bear in mind the many battles won in Cornersville in the name of God. Hello, Jeremiah with joy in his heart Jeremiah hugged Abel with great expectation. I am ready for war Jeremiah we will slice through those demons like cottage cheese. Jeremiah remained in silent, but Abel; this battle will be for the end of time. Michael has given us direct orders from heaven concerning Cornersville. Jeremiah he is aware of your protective care of Pastor Benjamin Starks.

  Abel my duties have extended throughout the entire city until our Lord gives Michael the orders to deliver Cornersville. Jeremiah that is an extended job, but through God all things are achievable. One cannot wait to m
eet the other brothers; it has been many battles since we all gathered in one place.

  Benjamin, Mary and the children were the first to arrive for the church meeting. Jason, Justin, and Elizabeth sat on the church steps while their parents continued talking in the car. Do not worry about the church God will provide because he always come through for our family. Those encouraging words gave Sparrow the opportunity to disclose his sword and vanquish the worry demon, off Justin shoulder. As soon as the worry demon was destroyed, thundering sounds could be heard than walking out of a dark cloud Talon appeared; dressed in full battle gear covered with darkness and legions of principalities, powers and demon commandos surrounded him.

  Quicker than lighting could flash Jeremiah and Abel removed their blazing swords facing Talon and his battalion. Sparrow covered the children with his wings. Gideon protected the children from the left while Joshua covered the right. Jeremiah and Abel there is know need to fight you guys are out classed and over rated. Without further delay, Talon flew above the thundering clouds and began observing the battleground. For about five seconds everything was quiet, not a sound could be heard so Talon contemplated the advantage is mine.

  With his huge sword, raised Talon gave the orders battalions attack! Jeremiah leaped into the air covered with the full glory of God he quickly flew toward Talon. Abel covered the church and the demons began circling the church. Abel and Sparrow faced the demons on all fronts yet these vultures continue their fierce attack. Three demon lords had rapped fiery chains around Gideon and were dragging him carelessly through the churchyard.

  Joshua quickly flew toward the demons holding two blazing swords in his hands. He sliced the chains up into small peaces and began attacking the demon lord relentlessly. Joshua and Gideon battled the demon lords to a stalemate. Joshua give up, this battle is ours,” with snake like quickness Venom Pushed Gideon to the side” and tore a hole into the side of Joshua arm. Gideon lay on the ground wounded but within seconds, his body began to heal itself.

  The demons continued to advance upon the church now the children and their parents were seconds away from being conquered. Talon laughed as swords clashed within the spirit realm. Jeremiah give in my position is far superior because there is know way you can defeat me. One can do all things through Christ Jesus, which physically powers one, Jeremiah swords rang with confidence as the battle raged on.

  It has finished Jeremiah! Talons blade inflicted a serious wound on Jeremiah torso that sent him fluttering to the ground. Abel protected Jeremiah from the front while Sparrow assisted from the backside. The battle is ours this day the prayer covering has weakened. Talon dove with fierce speed toward Abel while the demon lord attacked the flank; sparks flew as the battle increased. Abel’s hands were wounded badly as Talon raised his sword with a blow that sent Abel spinning through the air. Sparrow battled the assailants with all his might nevertheless; the demon lords continued the battle.

  Talon quickly dove to the bottom of the earth crust, and with the speed of a locomotive, ascended toward Sparrow. Talon assaulted Sparrow with an impact that shook the earth. Sparrow lay silently on the ground. Sparrow looked up and whispered a prayer to Benjamin. “And I tell you whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever you free on earth will be free in heaven.” The Holy Spirit filled Ben’s heart with this scripture until it brought life to his soul. Ben opens the car door and runs toward his children. Mary come quickly we must pray.

  As they held, hands in prayer Ben began binding and loosing on earth. Talon and his army held still by the power of God no one demon could move. Ben commanded every demon in Jesus name to leave the churchyard. Every demon began leaving the church primacies with that powerful command.

  The prayer powers the angels as they gracefully returned to their charge. Narrow escape Jeremiah, which is just the start of this war, Abel prepare for the next battle. Sparrow congratulations for your valiant effort; thank God for prayer and faith. The angels’ began to reverence God and praised him and God’s glory encamped all about them their might was being completely restored. Mary lets go into the church and wait for the remaining congregation. Around 7:30 p.m., cars begin arriving within the church area. The congregation slowly but surly moved into the sanctuary.

  Saints, God orchestrated these meetings and just endure with us for a moment. Lord God I pray that each person is blessed in this meeting. I take the authority given to me in Jesus name and bind every hindering spirit that tries to disrupt this meeting amen. It is time for us as a people to take our streets back from the drug dealers. We must unify as one in order to win Cornersville for Christ. Pastor there is know way we can overcome these obstacles. Nancy do not forget the scripture. Greater is he that is in you than the devil that is in the world. Deacon Lawrence Tyler what would you propose to be a solution to this epidemic. Elder Starks to be truthful I am not sure a solution is possible.

  One must agree sincerely with Tyler but Deacons it is impossible to please God without faith. The Deacons are right, there is know possible way anyone can change this community. The entire church stood up and agreed with Kathy. Saints of God I am surprised at each one of you for where is the faith this church once maintained. Mary was disturbed in her heart because the congregations’ faith had shrunk back to zilch. Elder Starks observed and through the spirit, he noticed the faith level was gone. The miracles had been so small lately people lost faith. Saints of God we need a revival spiritually and naturally. Starting Monday the church will be fasting from (6:00 am - 6:00pm) throughout the week. Prayer Service starts at 9:00 am, 12:00pm, 3:00pm, and 6:00pm.

  Elder Starks realized only a few would actually obey and heed to the call of God. Let us all stand, let the words of our mouth and the meditation of ones heart be expectable in thou sight oh Lord ones strength and our redeemer amen. Jeremiah the saints are not trusting God that leaves a door open for the enemy. Abel God has a plan remember Proverbs 3:5 trust in the Lord with all of thou heart and lean not to thou own understanding and in all thou ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thou path.

  That is right Jeremiah, Michael! Its good to see you thanks be to God that gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Lord Jesus sends word to our armies. Abel leaped with excitement; I know its time to slice those demons up into cottage cheese. I am sorry but without the prayers of the saint, we cannot triumphantly defeat the enemy. Until their faith becomes strengthen, the angels of heaven are limited.

  Jeremiah be brave for God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love power and a sound mind. Michael what has our Lord informed you concerning the battle. Although Cornersville appears to be a quiet town Satan worshippers have thrived in this city. Satan will personally command the battle in this town. Michael are you saying not only do we fight Talon but Satan also. That is affirmative this war is for the end of time.

  Well that is good God has allowed Michael his mightiest warrior to aid us in this battle. Jeremiah be brave and keep the faith for God have need of increased angelic warriors in Israel for a time as this. However, when the time is right we shall fight beside you. Michael one must respect God’s wishes but we were barely a match for Talon and the legion of demons that engaged us. Nevertheless, if it was not for the prayers of the saints we could not have prevailed. At this moment, the prayer cover is too weak. Remember God’s word not by might nor by power but by God's spirit said the Lord. Michael vanished in a flame of fire whispering… keep the faith.

  Benjamin discouraged by the life of the congregation. With despair in his heart and mind, he begins thinking “Oh Lord… why… why was I called to minister your gospel. Lord help one to understand the reason behind this cruel world please! help me.”

  High above the city of Cornersville in the Timberland Mountains there assembled the Satanist. They worshipped Satan openly without a hidden agenda.

  There were respectful citizens that had aligned themselves with the darkness. Judge Hammond a well-known magistrate was the high priest among this society. T
he moon is full tonight and a sacrifice is worthy of consideration. The assembly began worshipping the prince of darkness. The whole mountain was filled with darkness and lighting as Talon and Satan ascended with their legions upon the mountain.

  Our plan will be a success but let us not be too hasty. Lucifer we have placed division in the church. Talon the mission is moving straight ahead as planned, but let us not be too hasty. Lucifer began defying the almighty this city will be mine within a year. The legions of demons and Generals held there swords up and began defying the Almighty and the host of heaven. Lucifer rose from his throne and held his hand up and the assembly was silenced. We will annihilate the church of God starting with the Starks family.

  The Holy Spirit awakens Elder Starks that night and impressed upon his heart to drive up to Timberland Mountain. He observed the clock it was 11:30 p.m.; just 30 more minutes it will be Sunday. Mary is sleep so I will quietly excuse myself to an appointment with destiny.

  Jeremiah this could be life threating, Benjamin should not go observing alone in the Timberland Mountains. He’s not alone we have a charge to protect. Remember the scripture for he has given his angels charge over us to keep us in all our ways least we dash our foot against a stone they shall bare the up in there hands. Abel remain with Mary until I return. Jeremiah lets not get hysterical there are legions of demons upon Timberland Mountain and the prayer cover is not strong enough to face the adversary. God has a wilderness Ben has to face, as his assign protector God speed my brother return soon as possible. Benjamin looked back at his family and whispered a prayer.